What it contains
A CD Combo pack for each subject
An Online Olympiad exam hall
Subsciption to GLOWMOT (Till Marc 31st 2015)
Subsciption to GLOWSOT ( Till Marc 31st 2015)
Class 2 - Mock tests for Olympiad exam practice
Mock tests for IMO, iOM, IAIS and other Maths Olympiads
Mock tests for NCO, iIO, IAIS and other cyber Olympiads
Class 3 - Mock tests for Olympiad exam practice
Mock tests for NSO, iOS, IAIS and other Science Oympiads
Mock tests for IMO, iOM, IAIS and other Maths Olympiads
Mock tests for NCO, iIO, IAIS and other Cyber Olympiads
Class 4 - Mock tests for Olympiad exam practice
Mock tests for NSO, iOS, IAIS and other Science Olympiads
Mock tests for IMO, iOM, IAIS and other Maths Olympiads
Mock tests for NCO, iIO, IAIS and other Cyber Olympiads
Class 10 - Mock tests for Olympiad exam practice